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What to Ask a Listing Agent Before Hiring: 7 Expert Questions

Finding Toronto’s Best Listing Agent: Essential Questions to Ask

In this article, we’re discussing SEVEN practical questions to ask when hiring a listing agent. With the Toronto real estate market turbulent due to high interest rates, fluctuating home prices, inflation, negative media, and inventory challenges, it’s hard to know where to go when considering making one of the most significant financial moves in highly uncertain times. Choosing the right listing agent is more critical than ever and could be the difference between success and failure. A skilled agent can help navigate these complexities and avoid pitfalls to ensure the best possible outcome. This article provides an insightful guide on the seven essential questions to ask a potential listing agent, focusing on pricing methodology, marketing strategy, staging and styling, communication, professional networks, negotiation skills, and proven track records. With this tool kit in your back pocket, you can make an informed decision and confidently choose an agent who will maximize your property’s potential and achieve the best possible outcome.

Question 1: What Is Your Pricing Methodology & Strategic Approach To Pricing, And Why?

Understanding a potential listing agent’s pricing methodology and strategic approach is crucial. This ensures that the agent not only comprehends the intricacies of the market but can also substantiate their pricing strategies with solid data. Pricing is not an arbitrary decision; it must be grounded in the realities of the local neighbourhood and the broader market trends. A competent listing agent should be able to provide a comprehensive pricing analysis, including comparable market analysis (comps), current listings, and recent sales, both successful and unsuccessful. They should also consider the inventory levels within your specific category and year-over-year price appreciation.

When a potential listing agent proposes a price, it is essential to ask for the rationale behind the number. This includes requesting evidence and detailed explanations. It’s not just about the proposed price but also the strategy to sell the property. Different market conditions might call for other methods, such as listing below market value to attract multiple offers, listing at a higher price, and negotiating individually with buyers. Each approach should be backed by a clear strategy and supported by data.

The proposed pricing strategy must consider various factors, including the specific price range, neighbourhood dynamics, and the property’s asset class. The agent should provide evidence that they have thoroughly researched and can justify their pricing strategy. Buyers and their agents will scrutinize the same data, so having a well-substantiated pricing story is critical.

Adjustments are another critical aspect of the pricing methodology. Every property is unique, especially in a diverse market like Toronto. Unlike suburban areas where homes might be nearly identical, Toronto’s housing market features significant variability. A well-versed agent must be capable of making necessary adjustments based on differences such as the number of bedrooms, the presence of a finished basement, parking spaces, and other distinguishing features. For instance, an additional parking spot could add $50,000 to $75,000 to a property’s value, while an extra bedroom might increase the value by $50,000 to $70,000, depending on the total bedroom count.

These principles apply to condominiums as well, albeit to a lesser extent. Comparable condos might differ in exposure, outdoor space, storage units, and upgrades, all requiring valuation adjustments. A skilled agent should be able to articulate how these adjustments influence the final pricing.

Lot size and potential future value additions, such as the ability to add a garden suite, laneway house, or extensions, are also critical considerations. Buyers in Toronto often look for properties with potential for appreciation and return on investment (ROI) over a 10-15-year period. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the local zoning laws and development potential is essential.

Understanding their pricing methodology and strategic approach ensures that you can confidently navigate the complexities of the market and achieve the best possible outcome for your property sale. The proposed pricing strategy must consider these various factors, including the specific price range, neighbourhood dynamics, and the property’s asset class. The agent should provide evidence that they have thoroughly researched and can justify their pricing strategy. Buyers and their agents will scrutinize the same data, so having a well-substantiated pricing story is critical.

Your Video Guide: Top Questions to Ask

Question 2: What Is Your Marketing Strategy?

This question is critical as it encompasses all elements beyond pricing. A listing agent’s marketing strategy can vary significantly, so it is essential to understand their approach thoroughly. Firstly, the agent should work with top-notch photographers and videographers. Request examples of their work to ensure high-quality visuals. A solid online presence, including a professional website that showcases the property to its fullest potential, is essential. Beyond the obvious digital assets, the agent should provide exceptional copywriting, neighbourhood profiles, school ratings, and detailed marketing materials. These elements highlight the property’s potential future value, upgrades, research, and history, creating a compelling story for prospective buyers.

A good agent will collect and present all relevant information to buyers and their agents, fostering confidence in the property’s value. Recognize that buyers often search for new homes on the go, using apps like and House Sigma. Thus, the first image, the “hero image,” must capture attention and inspire potential buyers to engage further.

The listing agent should also maintain a robust digital footprint. This includes active and visually appealing profiles on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. These platforms should be used to share client stories and reach a wider audience. Discuss sponsored digital advertising and international marketing strategies with the agent. Inquire about their plans for targeting potential buyers from other cities, recognizing Toronto’s role as a significant financial hub. Additionally, confirm if the agent uses print marketing. Feature sheets, floor plans, and other print materials should be available for prospective buyers. Request examples to ensure the agent delivers on their promises!

In a challenging market, finding the right buyer may feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Hence, the marketing strategy must be comprehensive and meticulously curated to attract that one perfect buyer. Maximizing marketing potential through a well-thought-out strategy is imperative, ensuring that the property stands out and appeals to the right audience at the right time!

Question 3: How Do You Approach Staging & Styling?

Staging and styling are essential components of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Never underestimate the impact of a well-staged home. While some may view it as unnecessary or overly expensive, it undeniably makes a significant difference. For those unfamiliar with the terminology, staging involves giving a property a makeover before listing photos are taken. Whether performed by the listing agents or a team of professional stagers, this process maximizes the property’s appeal by enhancing its look, feel, and aesthetic.

Staging involves various elements, including furniture, art, florals, plants, pillows, linens, and other decor items, making the home feel more inviting, contemporary, spacious, and photogenic. These enhancements are crucial in marketing materials and storytelling, transforming generic properties into something special. For example, a cluttered home can be revitalized entirely by decluttering, painting, updating light fixtures, and incorporating tasteful furniture and decor. This transformation creates a vibrant, character-filled home from what might have initially appeared chaotic.

Staging and styling impact the property’s presentation in two primary ways. First, they significantly enhance the quality of photos and videos, ensuring they are beautiful and enticing! Second, they create a positive impression for prospective buyers during walkthroughs. Effective staging helps buyers imagine themselves living in the space, fostering an emotional connection and prompting them to consider how their decor will fit into the home. Since only about 15% of people can visualize potential changes, staging does this critical work for the remaining 85%. It’s a no-brainer!

When interviewing listing agents, request examples of their staging work, including before and after photos. This will provide insight into their aesthetics and attention to detail. Good staging should be current, well-curated, and involve high-quality, frequently updated furniture and decor.

Signs of lousy staging include outdated elements like chrome feet on coffee tables, mirrored glass side tables, plastic fruit, canvas art, and overly bright or patterned items that don’t work well in photography. In Toronto, a softer, warmer colour palette is preferred over bold and excessive bling.
Ultimately, staging should enhance the property, not distract from it.

Question 4: How Do You Ensure Transparent And Honest Communication?

According to the National Association of Realtors in the US, clients’ TOP COMPLAINT about their agents needs more communication. At Fox Marin, we find this surprising as we maintain constant contact with our clients from the moment we are engaged until the property closes. Our commitment to communication is unwavering; we are in touch with our selling clients daily for three to four months straight (sometimes less and sometimes more), ensuring they are always informed about the status of their property.

During the preparatory period, we update clients on the schedule, such as when to expect cleaners or electricians. If any issues arise during the home inspection, we address them transparently, keeping the client informed and involved in problem-solving. This open-book approach ensures that our clients are always aware of what is happening with their property.

As the property moves to the listing stage and is posted on MLS, we provide regular updates on various aspects. This includes the number of viewings, agent feedback, attendance at open houses, website traffic, social media engagement, and analytics from By sharing positive and negative feedback, we ensure clients comprehensively understand the market’s response to their property, allowing us to address any issues collaboratively.

Transparent communication becomes even more critical during negotiations. Maintaining open and honest dialogue is essential to building trust and working together towards a successful outcome as offers come in. In the current challenging market, where multiple offers are less common, it is vital to discuss every offer candidly, even if it is disappointing. Establishing trust from the beginning makes navigating difficult conversations easier and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

The current market conditions have honed our agent skills, compelling us to dig deeper, find creative solutions, and communicate brutal truths. We have had to inform clients about unsatisfactory offers and discuss strategies to improve their position. Honest communication throughout this process simplifies finding solutions and achieving the best possible outcome for our clients.

When choosing a listing agent, it is crucial to trust your instincts. Consider these red flags seriously if an agent seems high-pressure, disrespectful, unresponsive, or disinterested. Effective communication is vital in this challenging market. Ensure that the agent you work with listens to you, respects your time, and is invested in your success. Their prompt response is critical, as delays can significantly impact the sale process.

At Fox Marin, we prioritize transparent and honest communication, ensuring our clients feel supported and informed at every stage of the selling process. Our commitment to open dialogue, respect, and prompt responsiveness ensures that we can navigate the complexities of the market together and achieve the best possible results for our clients.

Question 5: What Professional Network, Resources, & Infrastructure Do You Have?

When considering working with an agent or team, it is crucial to understand the depth of their bench strength. The one-man show model is increasingly untenable in today’s rapidly evolving real estate market. Sellers deserve the best representation, including a comprehensive infrastructure and a reliable network that addresses every aspect of the process.

A significant aspect of this support system is the agent’s professional network and reputation. An agent with a stellar reputation among peers can be invaluable. Real estate is fundamentally a relationship-based business, not just with clients but also with other agents. An agent known for their professionalism and reliability can facilitate smoother transactions and foster cooperative interactions. Conversely, a poor reputation can create obstacles, even if the property is highly desirable. Ensuring that your agent has an impeccable reputation and strong connections within the industry is paramount.

Additionally, the breadth of the agent’s professional network extends beyond other agents. It includes connections to mortgage brokers, contractors, home inspectors, and lawyers. These relationships are critical for addressing any needs that arise during the selling process. For instance, a trustworthy mortgage broker can assist potential buyers in securing financing, while a reliable contractor can swiftly handle necessary repairs or improvements. Home inspectors and lawyers ensure that every transaction detail is meticulously managed, providing a seamless and integrated experience.

Effective communication is integral to this network. It enhances the overall process if your agent can refer you to high-calibre professionals who share their commitment to excellence. This integrated approach ensures that all transaction components are aligned and efficiently managed, providing peace of mind.

When selecting an agent, it is essential to consider their professional network, resources, and infrastructure. The ability to provide continuous support, maintain an excellent reputation, and offer access to a network of reliable professionals are critical indicators of an agent’s capability. By choosing an agent with these attributes, you can be confident that your property sale will be handled with the utmost care and expertise, ensuring a smooth and successful transaction.

Question 6: What Are Your Communication & Negotiation Skills?

This is a critical question for any seller when choosing an agent. At that pivotal moment, who do you want to represent and negotiate the sale of your property? The outcome of a sale can hinge on a single conversation or strategic decision, making the difference between a successful sale and a missed opportunity. It is vital to delve into the agent’s experiences and ask for stories about their negotiation skills, their success in high-pressure situations, and specific examples of their problem-solving strategies. Evaluating these case studies helps determine if their approach resonates with you and whether you can trust them with those crucial moments.

Strong negotiation skills and precise communication capabilities are indispensable. An agent must be adept at tactical decisions such as when to counter an offer, the length of irrevocable periods, and strategic adjustments to terms and conditions. Negotiation extends beyond verbal exchanges; it involves a nuanced understanding of timing and strategic moves. For instance, should the offer signback be submitted at 10:00 PM, or is sending it the following day at 8:00 AM more advantageous? Such decisions can hinge on factors like upcoming weekends, holidays, or banking hours to access deposit cheques or conversations with mortgage brokers! The agent’s ability to manage these details can significantly reduce the seller’s risk (and stress).

Additionally, negotiation requires a collaborative approach rather than a contentious one. Being overly aggressive or disrespectful does not facilitate successful deals. Effective negotiations occur when both parties maintain mutual respect and work together to solve problems. An agent who can communicate respectfully and cooperatively is likelier to achieve favourable outcomes.

Assess their ability to handle high-pressure situations, strategic approach to negotiation, and respectfulness in interactions. By choosing an agent with these qualities, you can be confident that they will represent your interests effectively and navigate the complexities of the selling process to achieve the best possible results.

Question 7: What Is Your Proven Track Record?

When considering a listing agent, asking about their proven track record is essential. This involves requesting specific statistics: How many properties have they sold? Have they sold properties in your area before? How long have they been in the business? What percentage of deals do they close in the GTA or Toronto compared to other agents? A competent agent should readily provide this data during your listing meeting and substantiate their value with concrete statistics. While many agents are excellent talkers and can be quite charming, it’s the evidence-based answers that truly matter.

One key piece of advice is interviewing multiple agents and conducting thorough research. People often spend more time planning a two-week trip to Mexico than selecting an agent to handle the sale or purchase of their most valuable asset. This decision involves millions of dollars, yet some choose the first agent they speak with. Investing time in researching and comparing agents is crucial.

Look for an agent who can demonstrate their success with precise, quantifiable results. They should have a sales history, particularly in your area, a solid understanding of the local market dynamics, and a substantial number of online reviews. Their experience should be evident not just in years but in the volume and type of transactions they handle.

Additionally, consider the agent’s reputation among peers and clients. Testimonials, references, and case studies can provide insight into their effectiveness and reliability. An agent’s ability to deliver results consistently speaks volumes about their competence and dedication.


Choosing a listing agent is more than just a transaction; it’s a partnership that requires trust, expertise, and a comprehensive strategy tailored to your unique needs. With the Toronto Real Estate market’s current peaks and valleys, marked by high interest rates, fluctuating home prices, and various economic challenges, it’s imperative to ask the right questions about their pricing methodology, marketing strategy and beyond! This proactive approach helps you gauge the agent’s capabilities and provides the confidence and peace of mind that your property is in the best hands. As you embark on your property-selling journey, remember that the right agent can make all the difference.

Contact Fox Marin, Toronto’s downtown luxury real estate brokerage, today to learn more about the advantages of hiring a quality team!

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Kori Marin is a Toronto Broker & Managing Partner at Fox Marin Associates. For high-energy real estate aficionado Kori Marin, a well-lived life is achieved by maintaining an “all-in” attitude that realizes every last ounce of one’s full potential. This mindset has driven successful results in every aspect of her life – from her corporate sales and account management experience to her international travels to her years of fitness training and leadership – and is the hallmark of the exceptional work that she does on behalf of her clients in the residential real estate sector in downtown Toronto.