Has The Toronto Bubble Finally, Popped?
Is it just me or does everyone make resolutions for the new year? I’ve given up on diet and fitness resolutions (ok, not really but that’s what I tell myself so I’m not disappointed in myself by January 3). I think I’ve got my resolutions down for 2019 – and I’m going to live by them. And, I challenge you to embrace some of these resolutions too!
I bet we’ve all got some treasures stowed away because they are just too “precious” to use. Me? I’ve got my grandmother’s sterling silverware, a great aunt’s mother of pearl cutlery set and twelve $40 wine glasses from my wedding registry that only come out once or twice a year for special occasions. What’s the point of having all these treasures if we can’t enjoy them? This year, every day is going to be a special occasion. And, if a wine glass happens to break, well, at least I broke it enjoying it, right?
No more buying something cheap for the time being until I figure out what I really want. And, no more buying from sources who use questionable labour or environmental practices. For 2019, I’m resolving to consume as ethically as possible. I’ll go without, until I’ve figured out what I actually want – and then invest in quality. There are some in my life who would say I need to differentiate between want and need. But, that’s a resolution for 2029…or for someone else!
The goal? No more disposable consumption. Well, significantly less disposable consumption. Full disclosure – I love spending money. I once bought a pair of boots that I loved, but they were a full size too small. So of course, I could never wear them because they really, really hurt. And I spent over good money on them. On the other hand, I’ve also bought a super cheap tank from one of those stores that sells super cheap tanks, worn it for about 20 minutes and then chucked it because I didn’t love the fit. So, adding to my resolutions for 2019, I’m going to spend money like I mean it and mean it if I buy it.
I have the best family in the world. The. Best. But my parents have lived in the same house for 50 years and they have about a hundred of everything. They have not one, but four card tables. Who even has card tables? And who needs four card tables? My parents don’t play bridge and they aren’t about to pick it up. So, I’m thinking that these aren’t essentials. I resolve that every time I add something new to my wardrobe or my collection of utensils, vases or coffee mugs something will go. And, that there is a purpose to my purchases. And yes, once in a while my pleasure is purpose enough.
Who has rollerblades somewhere in storage? I do. Who has gone rollerblading in the last five years? Not me. I haven’t gone skiing either, and I’ve got two pairs of skis plus boots. I gave up on my aspirations for baking about ten years ago, even though I’ve still got about 50 cookie cutters. For 2019, I’m going to be relentless. If it hasn’t been used in the last five years – gone. If it hasn’t been worn in the past two years – gone. Lotions and potions? If they haven’t been touched in 3 months – gone!
This seems like such a no brainer, but this is the toughest resolution – at least for me. I love what I do and I take pride in what I do. I work with amazing people, have the best friends, family and friends who are family, my house is my home is my heart, and I’m able to have amazing experiences – physically and financially. For these reasons, I resolve to take a moment every day to take a deep breath and be grateful for the non-material abundances in my life.
There are some trend forecasters who predict that maximalism will become the new minimalism. I resolve to be maximal only in my gratitude. I love my things far too much to truly embrace minimalism. But, I resolve to use what I’ve got, make sure my purchases are ethical, have purpose (or that I truly love them) and really count, and to let go of things I really don’t need.
This article is written by Kathy Mighton, Project Manager and Lead Designer here at Fox Marin Associates. She is FM Design’s creator of well-crafted spaces that inspire and impress! A true design enthusiast, there are not enough walls or surfaces in Kathy’s life to display all the art that she loves.