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07/19 - Selling

Are Photos Important in Real Estate Listings?

Real Estate Listings: Why Nice Photos Matter | Fox Marin Blog

Real Estate Listings: Making that First Impression Count

Fun fact – real estate listings with good quality photos typically receive a 47% higher asking price per square foot. Forty-seven percent!

It’s all about giving potential buyers more reasons to fall in love with your home. If you think about it, home buying is a lot like online dating. Of all the potential prospects out there, it comes down to finding that perfect match. And, it starts with the profile picture. Online listings are no different. You have 20 seconds to attract a buyer and for that buyer to swipe right on your listing. Catch their attention, so they slow down to take a better look and read on about how fabulous your home is. Make that first impression count.


Real Estate Listings that Make Your Heart Skip-a-Beat.

When it comes to showcasing your home in real estate listing photos, you want to make potential home buyers’ hearts, skip a beat. Sell them on why your home is the one.

Enough of the dating analogy, realistically speaking, more and more, the home buying process is becoming a digital experience. These days, almost 90% of homebuyers start their house hunt online. With a feel for a home based on what can be seen from photos, home buyers then move onto the next phase of getting in touch with a real estate agent or the seller. Online listings with low quality photos – or worse, no images at all – can cause potential buyers to overlook your property before giving it a chance. This is why photos on real estate listings matter.


3 Reasons Why Real Estate Listings with Professional Photos Sell Better

Don’t believe us? Here are three more reasons why real estate listings that invest in professional photography sell faster and for more than the asking price.

  1. Photos are like a virtual tour of your home. Beyond the first impression, a nice photo leaves a lasting impression. Often times, interested buyers will revisit properties online and a beautifully curated gallery allows them to remember what they love most about your home.
  2. Photos can make or break a sale. When you put your property on the market, you want to outshine your competition with the most images and information to offer. Without a good selection of photos, chances are, potential buyers will move on without even looking at your listing.
  3. Real estate listings with professional photos sell at a higher price point. Beautiful real estate photography means more traffic to your listing, greater attention from potential buyers, and therefore, a larger number of interested purchasers willing to outbid the next.


From Real Estate Listings to Realtors, to Sale.

It’s a competitive, fast-paced market – especially when it comes to Toronto real estate. And, it takes hard work to sell your home. Take a look at what you need to prepare for the selling process and important considerations for before, during, and after the closing of your sale – this it what it’s like to Sell With Fox Marin.